Guardians - Tuesday, April 30th, 2024


Some of you may have seen that last Tuesday, Tyson Oldroyd was told his position at CrossFit HQ was no longer there. After nearly 20 years working for CrossFit HQ, Tyson who was a huge part of CrossFit media and the story telling in CrossFit had his position eliminated.

We’ve gotten to know Tyson over the years, he is an incredible man, and as real and as humble as they come. This news hit as hard as when Eric Rosa let Dave Castro go a few years ago. There are a number of people who when you think about CrossFit, certain people come to mind, for many of us who have been around CrossFit for a long period of time, Tyson Oldroyd is one of those people. If you haven’t heard of Tyson, we can almost guarantee that you have seen his work, and may have even been influenced in someway because of the stories he has captured and shared about this incredible community that we all love so much. Tyson being let go from CrossFit has unfortunately been overshadowed by the reviews to the leaderboard. But this is a huge loss, for us, for CrossFit, for the storytelling of affiliates and their amazing stories. Stories like Nancy doing her first CrossFit open, those are the kinds of stories that Tyson had eye for, and a gift in telling.

Tyson shared a post late last week about this situation and he ended it by saying, “As I walk away, it’s the relationships with all of you that stand out the most. In fact, I think that’s my biggest takeaway, that it has always - and only - been about the people. I’m reminded of Greg’s charter for all of us, which was to do the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons. It really is that simple, my friends. All of us are the guardians of this community we love so much; let’s make sure we’re taking care of each other.”

This has stuck with us deeply since we read it, for a number of reasons. A lot of you are newer to CrossFit, maybe you don’t even know who Greg is. Greg Glassman was the founder of CrossFit, and the head of the ship until 2020 when he sold the company after the community demanded it, but that is another story for another day. Greg’s goal was to change the world through fitness and nutrition, to use CrossFit to fight chronic diseases, and to do so by teaching people like us how to teach people like you. To do the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons. Greg had an outlook very similar to ours, it’s not about the amount of money we make, but the number of people we can help along the way.

Another one of the reason is so deeply stuck with us was because how special we believe this community is. Through the CrossFit methodology fitness was given a definition. CrossFit changed the landscape of fitness, combining different modalities from Olympic weightlifting to gymnastics in a workout. Constantly varying our training through movements, loads, time domains, and creating standards of movement to be achieved. As a woman, and for many men as well, but particularly as a woman, CrossFit created a space where the focus was on what your body could do, vs. what it looked like. This community is something truly special, and we are all the guardians of it.

Protect it, protect all that makes it special, and protect the integrity of it.
More for another day.

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024


Front Squat
1 RM


4 rounds (each for time)

8 T2B
10 Front Squats (65% of 1RM) - from the floor
12 Lat Burpee over Bar
Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Check back each night at 8pm for the next days WOD .
Contact us: Address: 200 Mountain Rd #3, Collingwood, ON L9Y 4V5 Phone: (705) 444-0006 Follow us on Instagram @crossfit_indestri


Write it down - Wednesday, May 1st, 2024


OG - Monday, April 29th, 2024